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  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2.             MEKA 0.13 - Master System Compatibility List - by Zoop
  3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4.  Action Fighter                     -       Ok
  5.  Aerial Assault                    *-       Ok
  6.  After Burner                       FM      Ok, No Voices
  7.  Akai Koudan Zillion               *-       Ok
  8.  Aleste                            *FM      Ok
  9.  Alex Kidd BMX Trial                FM,PAD  Ok
  10.  Alex Kidd in High Tech World       -       Ok
  11.  Alex Kidd in Miracle World [a]     -       Ok
  12.  Alex Kidd in Miracle World [b]    *-       Ok
  13.  Alex Kidd in Miracle World (J)    *-       Ok
  14.  Alex Kidd in Shinobi World         -       Ok
  15.  Alex Kidd Lost Stars               FM      Ok, No Voices
  16.  Alien 3                           *-       Ok
  17.  Alien Storm                        -       Ok
  18.  Alien Syndrome                     FM      Ok, No Voices
  19.  Altered Beast                      FM      Minor raster bug at title screen. No Voices. (IPERIOD)
  20.  American Baseball                 *-       Ok
  21.  Anmitsu Hime                      *-       Ok
  22.  Arcade Smash Hits                  -       Ok, No Voices
  23.  Ashura                             -       Ok
  24.  Assault City                      *LG      Ok
  25.  Asterix                            -       Ok
  26.  Asterix & the Secret Mission       -       Ok
  27.  Asterix & the Great Rescue         -       Ok
  28.  Astro Warrior                      -       Ok
  29.  Astro Warrior + Pit Pot            -       Ok
  30.  Aztec Adventure                    FM      Ok
  31.  Bank Panic                         -       Ok
  32.  Bart vs Space Mutants              -       Ok
  33.  Basket Ball Nightmare              -       Ok
  34.  Batman Returns                    *-       Ok
  35.  Battle Out Run                    *-       Ok (IPERIOD)
  36.  Black Belt                         -       Ok
  37.  Blade Eagle 3D                     FM,3D   Ok
  38.  Bomber Raid                        FM      Ok
  39.  Bonanza Bros                       -       Ok, No Voices
  40.  Borgman                           *FM      Ok
  41.  Bram Stoker's Dracula              -       Ok
  42.  Bubble Bobble                     *-       Ok
  43.  California Games                   FM      Ok
  44.  Captain Silver                     FM      Ok, No Voices
  45.  Casino Games                       FM      Ok
  46.  Castle of Illusion                 -       Ok
  47.  Castle of Illusion (J/GG)          -       Ok
  48.  Champions of Europe               *-       Ok
  49.  Championship Hockey                -       Ok
  50.  Chase HQ                           -       Ok
  51.  Cheese Cat-astrophe                -       Ok
  52.  Choplifter                         -       Ok
  53.  Cloud Master                       FM      Ok
  54.  Columns                            -       Ok
  55.  Cool Spot                          -       Ok
  56.  Cyber Shinobi                      -       Ok
  57.  Cyborg Hunter                      FM      Ok
  58.  Danan the Jungle Fighter          *-       Ok
  59.  Dead Angle                         -       Ok, No Voices
  60.  Desert Speedtrap                  *-       Ok
  61.  Desert Strike                      -       Ok
  62.  Dick Tracy                         -       Ok
  63.  Double Dragon                      FM      Ok
  64.  Double Hawk                       *-       Ok
  65.  Double Target                     *-       Ok
  66.  Dr Robotnik Mean Bean Machine      -       Ok
  67.  Dragon Crystal                    *-       Ok
  68.  Dynamite Duke                      -       Ok
  69.  Dynamite Dux                       -       Ok
  70.  E-Swat                             -       Ok
  71.  Ecco the Dolphin                   -       Ok
  72.  Enduro Racer                       -       Ok
  73.  F16 Fighter                       *-       Ok
  74.  F16 Fighting Falcon               *-       Ok
  75.  Fantasy Zone 1                     -       Ok
  76.  Fantazy Zone 2                     FM      Ok
  77.  Fantasy Zone 3                     FM      Ok
  78.  Final Bubble Bobble                -       Ok
  79.  Fire & Forget II                  *-       Ok
  80.  Flash                             *-       Ok
  81.  Flintstones                       *-       Ok
  82.  Forgotten Worlds                  *-       Ok
  83.  Formula 1                          -       Ok
  84.  Gain Ground                       *-       Ok
  85.  Galactic Protector                *FM      Ok
  86.  Galaxy Force                       FM      Ok
  87.  Gangster Town                      LG      Ok
  88.  Gauntlet                           -       Ok, No Voices
  89.  Geraldinho                         -       Ok
  90.  Ghost House                        -       Ok
  91.  Ghostbusters                       -       Ok
  92.  Ghouls'n Ghosts                    -       Ok
  93.  Global Defense                     FM      Ok
  94.  Global Gladiators                  -       Ok
  95.  G-Loc Air Battle                  *-       Ok
  96.  Gokuaku Doumei Dump Matsumoto     *-       Ok
  97.  Golden Axe                         -       Ok
  98.  Golden Axe Warrior                 -       Ok
  99.  Golvellius                         FM      Ok
  100.  Golvellius (J)                    *FM      Ok
  101.  Great Basketball                  *-       Ok
  102.  Great Football                     -       Ok
  103.  Great Golf / Masters Golf          FM      Ok
  104.  Great Golf [J] (different game)   *-       Ok
  105.  Great Volleyball                   -       Ok
  106.  Great Volleyball [J]              *-       Ok
  107.  Haja No Fuuin                     *FM      Ok
  108.  Hang On                            -       Ok
  109.  Heroes of the Lance               *-       Ok
  110.  High School Kimengumi             *-       Ok
  111.  Hokutonoken [a]                    -       Ok
  112.  Hokutonoken [b]                   *-       Ok
  113.  Hook                               -       Ok
  114.  Impossible Mission                 -       Various bugs, No Voices (IPERIOD)
  115.  Indiana Jones 3                   *-       Ok
  116.  James Bond 007 : The Duel          -       Ok
  117.  James Pond 2 : Robocod            *-       Ok
  118.  Joe Montana Football              *-       Ok
  119.  Jungle Book                        -       Ok
  120.  Kenseiden                          FM      Ok
  121.  Klax                               -       Ok
  122.  Kujakuou                          *FM      Ok
  123.  Kung Fu Kid                        -       Ok
  124.  Land of Illusion                   -       Ok
  125.  Laser Ghost                       *-       Ok
  126.  Lemmings                           -       Ok                                      
  127.  Line of Fire                      *-       Ok
  128.  Lord of Sword                     *FM      Ok
  129.  Lord of the Sword                  FM      Ok
  130.  Lucky Dime Caper (Donald Duck)    *-       Ok
  131.  Machine Gun Joe                   *-       Ok
  132.  Mahjong Sengoku Jidai              -       Ok
  133.  Makai Retsuden                    *-       Ok
  134.  Marble Madness                     -       Ok
  135.  Maze Hunter 3D                    *FM,3D   Ok
  136.  Maze Walker                       *FM,3D   Ok
  137.  Megumi Rescue                     *FM      Ok
  138.  Mercs                             *-       Ok
  139.  Miracle Warrior                    FM      Ok
  140.  Missile Defense 3D                *LG      Lightgun bug
  141.  Monica em: o Resgate               FM/J    Ok
  142.  Monica no Castelo do Dragao        FM      Ok
  143.  Monopoly                           -       Ok
  144.  Moonwalker                         -       Ok
  145.  Mortal Kombat 1                    -       Ok, No Voices
  146.  Mortal Kombat 2                    -       Ok, No Voices
  147.  My Hero                            -       Ok
  148.  Nekyuu Kousien                    *FM      Ok
  149.  New Zealand Story                  -       Ok
  150.  Ninja Gaiden                      *-       Ok
  151.  Opa Opa                           *FM      Ok
  152.  Operation Wolf                    *LG      Lightgun bug
  153.  Ottifants                          -       Ok
  154.  Outrun                             FM      Ok
  155.  Outrun 3D                         *FM,3D   Ok
  156.  Outrun Europa                     *-       Ok
  157.  Outrun Europa (GG)                 -       Ok
  158.  Pac-Mania                          -       Ok
  159.  Paperboy                           -       Ok
  160.  Parlour Games                      FM      Ok
  161.  Party Games / Family Games        *FM      Ok
  162.  Penguin Land                       FM      Ok
  163.  Penguin Land (J)                   FM      Ok
  164.  PGA Tour Golf                     *-       Ok
  165.  Phantasy Star                      -       Ok
  166.  Phantasy Star (J)                  FM      Ok
  167.  Phantasy Star (Port)               -       Ok
  168.  Phantasy Star (Sat)                FM      Ok
  169.  Populous                          *-       Ok
  170.  Poseidon Wars 3D                   FM,3D   Ok
  171.  Power Strike                       FM      Ok
  172.  Power Strike 2                    *-       Ok
  173.  Predator 2                         -       Ok
  174.  Prince of Persia                   -       Ok
  175.  Pro Wrestling                      -       Ok
  176.  Psychic World                      -       Ok
  177.  Psycho Fox                         -       Ok
  178.  Putt and Putter                   *-       Ok
  179.  Quartet                            -       Ok
  180.  R-Type                             FM      Ok
  181.  Rainbow Islands                    -       Ok
  182.  Rambo III                          LG      Ok
  183.  Rampage                            FM      Ok
  184.  Rastan                             FM      Ok
  185.  RC Grand Prix [a]                  -       Ok
  186.  RC Grand Prix [b]                 *-       Ok
  187.  Rescue Mission                     FM,LG   Ok
  188.  Robocop vs the Terminator          -       Ok, No Voices
  189.  Rocky                              -       Ok
  190.  Running Battle                    *-       Ok
  191.  Rygar                             *-       Ok
  192.  S.D.I.                            *FM      Ok
  193.  Sagaia                             -       Ok
  194.  Sapo Xule (Psycho Fox)             -       Ok
  195.  Scramble Spirits                   FM      Ok
  196.  Secret Commando                    -       Ok
  197.  Sega Chess                         -       Ok, No Voices
  198.  Sensible Soccer                    -       Ok
  199.  Shadow of the Beast                -       Ok (IPeriod)
  200.  Shanghai                           FM      Ok
  201.  Shinobi                            FM      Ok
  202.  Shooting Gallery                  *LG      Lightgun bug
  203.  Slap Shot                          -       Ok
  204.  Solomon no Kagi                   *FM      Ok
  205.  Sonic Chaos                        -       Ok
  206.  Sonic Spinball                     -       Very minor raster bug on introduction.
  207.  Sonic the Hedgehog 1               -       Ok
  208.  Sonic the Hedgehog 2               -       Ok
  209.  Space Harrier                      -       Ok, No Voices
  210.  Space Harrier 3D                   FM,3D   Ok, No Voices
  211.  Space Harrier 3D (J)              *FM,3D   Ok, No Voices
  212.  Special Criminal Investigation    *-       Ok
  213.  Speed Ball                        *-       Ok
  214.  Speed Ball 2                       -       Ok
  215.  Spell Caster                       FM      Ok
  216.  Spiderman                          -       Ok
  217.  Sport Pad Soccer                  *-       Unplayable due to special controller
  218.  Spy vs Spy                        *-       Ok
  219.  Star Wars                          -       Ok
  220.  Street Fighter 2'                  -       Ok, No Voices
  221.  Strider                            -       Ok
  222.  Submarine Attack                  *-       Ok
  223.  Sukeban Deka II                   *-       Ok
  224.  Summer Games                      *-       Ok
  225.  Super Kick Off [a]                *-       Ok
  226.  Super Kick Off [b]                *-       Ok
  227.  Super Monaco Grand Prix            -       Ok (IPeriod)
  228.  Super Racing                      *FM      Ok
  229.  Super Tennis                       -       Ok
  230.  Super Tetris                       -       Ok
  231.  Taz Mania                         *-       Ok
  232.  Teddy Boy                          -       Ok
  233.  Tennis Ace                        *FM      Ok, No Voices
  234.  Tensai Bakabon                    *FM      Ok
  235.  Terminator                         -       Ok
  236.  Terminator 2: Arcade Game          -       Ok
  237.  The Ninja                          -       Ok
  238.  The Ninja [org]                   *-       Ok
  239.  The Pro Yakyu                     *-       Ok, No Voices
  240.  The Story of Mio                  *FM      Ok
  241.  Thunder Blade                      FM      Ok
  242.  Time Soldiers                      FM      Ok
  243.  Tom & Jerry                        -       Ok
  244.  Transbot                           -       Ok
  245.  Trap / Marksman / Safari Hunt     *-       Ok
  246.  Trivial Pursuit                    -       Ok
  247.  Ultima 4                           FM      Ok
  248.  Vampire                           *-       Ok
  249.  Vigilante                          FM      Ok
  250.  Wanted                            *LG      Lightgun bug
  251.  Wimbledon                         *-       Ok
  252.  Winter Olympic '94                 -       Ok
  253.  Wolfchild                         *-       Ok
  254.  Wonderboy 1                        -       Ok
  255.  Wonderboy 2 [a]                    FM      Ok
  256.  Wonderboy 2 [b]                    FM      Ok
  257.  Wonderboy 2 [c]                   *FM      Ok
  258.  Wonderboy 3                        FM/J    Ok
  259.  Wonderboy 5                       *-       Ok
  260.  Wonderboy 5 [beta]                *-       Ok
  261.  Woody Pop                         *PAD     Ok
  262.  World Class Leaderboard            -       Ok
  263.  World Cup 90                      *-       Ok
  264.  World Cup 92                      *-       Ok
  265.  World Games                       *-       Ok
  266.  World Grand Prix                   -       Ok
  267.  World Grand Prix [alt]            *-       Ok
  268.  World Soccer                      *-       Ok
  269.  WWF Steel Cage Challenge           -       Very minor raster bugs (IPeriod)
  270.  Xenon 2                            -       Ok
  271.  Y's                                -       Ok
  272.  Zaxxon 3D                          FM,3D   Ok
  273.  Zillion 1                          -       Ok
  274.  Zillion 2                          FM      Ok
  275.  Zool                               -       Ok
  276. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  277.  Bad dumps:
  278.   Alex Kidd Lost Stars (J)         *FM      Graphics bugs
  279.   Barcelona '92                     -       Various bugs
  280.   Barcelona '92 [alt]              *-       Various bugs
  281.   Y's (J)                          *FM      Some graphic bugs
  282. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  283.  (276 - 4) games tested - 263 are "Ok" - Compatibility rate: 96.69%
  284. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  286. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  287.                MEKA 0.13 - SG-1000 Compatibility List - by Zoop
  288. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  289.  A.O.'s Match Play Golf      OM-G006  Ok                                 (NR)
  290.  Bank Panic                     C-53  Ok                                 (NR)
  291.  Black Onyx                     C-72  Ok                                 (NR)
  292.  Bomb Jack                      C-61  Ok                                 (NR)
  293.  Border Line                  G-1001  Ok                                 
  294.  C_So!                          C-64  Ok                                 (NR)
  295.  Castle                       G-1046  Ok                                 (NR)
  296.  Chack'n Pop                    C-52  Ok                                 (NR)
  297.  Challenge Derby             OM-G005  Ok                                 (NR)
  298.  Champion Baseball            G-1011  Ok                                  
  299.  Champion Billiard              C-71  Ok                                 (NR)
  300.  Champion Boxing                C-33  Ok                                 (NR)
  301.  Champion Boxing              G-1033  Ok                                 (NR)
  302.  Champion Golf                  C-05  Ok                                  
  303.  Champion Golf                G-1005  Ok                                 (NR)
  304.  Champion Hockey                C-59  Ok                                 (NR)
  305.  Champion Kendou                C-67  Ok                                 (NR)
  306.  Champion Pro Wrestling       G-1039  Ok                                 (NR)
  307.  Champion Soccer              G-1034  Ok                                 (NR)
  308.  Champion Tennis              G-1009  Ok                                 (NR)
  309.  Championship Lode Runner A     C-57  Ok                                 
  310.  Championship Lode Runner B     C-57  Ok                                 (NR)
  311.  Choplifter                     C-48  Ok                                 (NR)
  312.  Congo Bong                   G-1007  Ok
  313.  Doki Doki Penguin Land         C-50  Ok
  314.  Dragon Wang                    C-46  Ok                                 (NR)
  315.  Drol                           C-51  Ok                                 (NR)
  316.  Elevator Action                C-55  Ok                                 (NR)
  317.  Exerion                      G-1028  Ok                                 (NR)
  318.  Flicky                       G-1036  Ok
  319.  Girl's Garden                G-1037  Ok
  320.  Golgo 13                     G-1014  Ok                                 (NR)
  321.  GP World                     G-1040  Ok                                 (NR)
  322.  Gulkave                        C-63  Ok                                 (NR)
  323.  Guzzler                     OM-G002  Ok                                 (NR)
  324.  Hang On 2                      C-60  Ok
  325.  H.E.R.O.                       C-58  Ok                                 (NR)
  326.  Hustle Chumy                 G-1035  Ok                                 (NR)
  327.  Hyper Sports                 G-1042  Ok                                 (NR)
  328.  James Bond 007              OM-G008  Ok                                 (NR)
  329.  Lode Runner                  G-1031  Ok                                 (NR)
  330.  Loletta no Shouzou           G-1315  Ok
  331.  Monaco GP                    G-1017  Ok                                 (NR)
  332.  Monaco GP (alternate)        G-1017  Ok                                  
  333.  N-Sub (1983)                 G-1003  Ok                                 (NR)
  334.  N-Sub (1988)                 G-1003  Ok                                  
  335.  Ninja Princess                 C-65  Ok
  336.  Orguss                       G-1015  Ok                                 (NR)
  337.  Pacar                        G-1020  Ok                                  
  338.  Pachinko 2                   G-1029  Ok                                 (NR)
  339.  Pitfall 2                      C-49  Minor sprite bug when dying        (NR)
  340.  Pop Flamer                   G-1019  Ok                                 (NR)
  341.  Q*Bert                      OM-G001  Ok                                 (NR)
  342.  Rockn' Bolt                    C-54  Minor sprite bug on lift           (NR)
  343.  Safari Hunting               G-1002  Ok                                 (NR)
  344.  Safari Race                  G-1032  Ok (IPERIOD)                       (NR)
  345.  Safari Race (alternate)      G-1032  Ok (IPERIOD)                       
  346.  Sannninn Mahjong            OM-G004  Ok                                 (NR)
  347.  Sega Flipper                 G-1018  Ok                                  
  348.  Sega Galaga                  G-1022  Ok                                 (NR)
  349.  Serizawa Hatidan Tume Syougi G-1006  Ok                                 (NR)
  350.  Sindbad Mystery              G-1012  Ok                                 (NR)
  351.  Sindbad Mystery (alt)        G-1012  Ok                                  
  352.  Shinnyushain TooruKun        G-1041  Ok                                 (NR)
  353.  Souko Ban                      C-56  Ok                                 (NR)
  354.  Space Invaders               G-1045  Ok                                 (NR)
  355.  Space Moutain               OM-G003  Ok                                 (NR)
  356.  Star Force                   G-1043  Ok                                 (NR)
  357.  Star Jacker (old)            G-1010  Ok                                 (NR)
  358.  Star Jacker (new)            G-1010  Ok                                 (NR)
  359.  Super Tank                     C-66  Ok                                 (NR)
  360.  Wonderboy                      C-69  Ok                                 (NR)
  361.  Yamato                       G-1008  Ok                                 (NR)
  362.  Zaxxon                       G-1038  Ok                                 (NR)
  363.  Zoom 909                       C-47  Ok                                 (NR)
  364.  Zippy Race                   G-1026  Ok (IPERIOD)                       (NR)
  365. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  366.   76 games tested - 74 are "Ok" - Compatibility rate: 97.36%
  367. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  369. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  370.                MEKA 0.13 - SC3000 Compatibility List - by Zoop
  371. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  372.  Sega Basic Level 2 (J)              Ok
  373.  Sega Basic Level 3 (Export)         Ok
  374.  Sega Music Editor                   Ok
  375.  Tanoshii Sansuu              E-115  Ok                                 (NR)
  376.  Uranai Angel                 E-119  Ok                                 (NR)
  377. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  378.    5 roms tested - 5 are "Ok" - Compatibility rate: 100%
  379. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  381. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  382.           MEKA 0.13 - Game Gear Compatibility List - by mxs and Zoop
  383. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  384.  Adventures of Batman & Robin          Flickering status (LCD persistance)
  385.  Aerial Assault                        Ok
  386.  Aladdin                               Ok
  387.  Aleste GG                             Ok
  388.  Alien 3                               Ok
  389.  Alien Syndrome                        Ok
  390.  Arch Rivals                           Ok
  391.  Asterix : The Great Rescue            Ok
  392.  Ax Battler                            Sprites are not visible
  393.  Ax Battler (J)                        Sprites are not visible
  394.  Bart vs Space Mutants                 Ok
  395.  Baseball '91 (J)                      Ok
  396.  Batman Forever                        Ok
  397.  Batman Returns                        Ok
  398.  Battleship                            Ok
  399.  Beavis and Butthead                   Ok
  400.  Berlin Wall                           Ok
  401.  Big War (J)                           Ok
  402.  Buster Ball                           Ok
  403.  Buster Fight                          Ok
  404.  Captain America and the Avengers      Ok
  405.  Chakan                                Ok
  406.  Chessmaster                           Ok
  407.  Chuck Rock                            Ok                                (NR)
  408.  Columns                               Ok
  409.  Coka Kid                              Ok
  410.  Crystal Warriors                      Ok
  411.  Daffy Duck in Hollywood               Ok
  412.  Deep Duck Trouble                     Ok
  413.  Defenders of Oasis                    Ok
  414.  Desert Speedtrap                      Ok
  415.  Desert Strike                         Ok
  416.  Devilish                              Ok
  417.  Doraemon nolanosuke                   Ok
  418.  Dragon Crystal                        Ok
  419.  Dragon Crystal (J)                    Ok
  420.  Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine      Ok
  421.  Dunk Kids                             Ok
  422.  Dynamite Headdy                       Ok
  423.  Ecco the Dolphin                      Ok
  424.  Evander Holyfield Boxing              Heavy flickering (interrupt)
  425.  Factory Panic                         Ok                                (NR)
  426.  Factory Panic (J)                     Ok
  427.  Fantasy Zone Gear                     Ok
  428.  Fatal Fury Special                    Ok
  429.  Fifa International Soccer             Ok
  430.  G-Loc Air Battle (J)                  Ok
  431.  Galaga '91                            Ok
  432.  Game Paradise (J)                     Ok
  433.  Game Paradise 2 (J)                   Ok
  434.  Gamble Panic (J)                      Ok
  435.  Gambler (J)                           Ok
  436.  Gear (J)                              Ok
  437.  Gear Stadium (J)                      Ok
  438.  George Foreman KO Boxing              Ok
  439.  GG League '94                         Ok
  440.  Global Gladiators                     Ok
  441.  GP Rider                              Some graphic bugs
  442.  Greendog                              Very minor raster bug on Sega logo
  443.  Griffin                               Ok
  444.  Gun Star Heroes                       Some flickering
  445.  Halley Wars                           Flickering Status (LCD persistance)
  446.  Head Buster (J)                       Ok
  447.  Home Alone                            Ok
  448.  Incredible Crash Dummies              Ok
  449.  Incredible Hulk                       Ok
  450.  Indiana Jones III                     Ok
  451.  In the wake of the Vampire            Ok
  452.  Ironman X-O Manowar in HM             Ok
  453.  Jeopardy! Sports Edition              Ok                                (NR)
  454.  Joe Montana Football                  Ok
  455.  Judge Dredd                           Ok
  456.  Junction                              Ok
  457.  Jungle Book                           Ok                                (NR)
  458.  Jurassic Park                         Ok
  459.  Kinetic Connection                    Ok
  460.  Krusty's Fun House                    Ok
  461.  Kyoto Saint Tail                      Ok
  462.  Last Bible (J)                        Ok
  463.  Last Bible 2 (J)                      Ok
  464.  Lemmings                              Ok
  465.  Lillehammer '94                       Ok
  466.  Lion King                             Ok
  467.  Little Mermaid                        Ok
  468.  Lucky Dime with Donald Duck           Ok
  469.  Lunar Lander (J)                      Ok
  470.  Madden NFL '95                        Ok
  471.  Magical Tarurutokun                   Ok
  472.  Magic Knight Ray Earth (J)            Ok
  473.  Magic Knight Ray Earth 2 (J)          Ok
  474.  Major's Pro BaseBall                  Hangs after title                 (NR)
  475.  Mappy (J)                             Ok
  476.  Marble Madness                        Ok
  477.  Megaman                               Ok
  478.  Mickey's Ultimate Challenge           Ok
  479.  Mickey Mouse Legend of Illusion (J)   Ok
  480.  Mickey Mouse Land of Illusion (J)     Ok
  481.  Monster World 2 (J)                   Ok
  482.  Mortal Kombat 1                       Ok
  483.  Mortal Kombat 2                       Ok
  484.  NBA Action                            Ok                                (NR)
  485.  NBA Jam                               Playfield flickers HEAVILY
  486.  NBA Jam TE                            Ok
  487.  NFL Quarterback Club '96              Ok
  488.  NHL All Star Hockey                   Ok
  489.  NHL Hockey                            Ok                                (NR)
  490.  Ninja Gaiden (J)                      Ok
  491.  Outrun                                Ok
  492.  Ottifants                             Ok
  493.  Pacman                                Ok
  494.  Paperboy                              Ok
  495.  Pengo                                 Ok
  496.  PGA Tour Golf 2                       Menu ok, game doesn't load        (NR)
  497.  Phantasy Star Adventure (J)           Ok
  498.  Phantasy Star Gaiden (J)              Ok
  499.  Phantom 2040                          Ok
  500.  Poker Face Paul's Blackjack           Ok
  501.  Poker Face Paul's Poker               Ok
  502.  Pop Breaker (J)                       Ok
  503.  Popeyes Beach Volleyball              Ok
  504.  Popils                                Ok
  505.  Power Rangers                         Ok
  506.  Power Strike 2                        Ok
  507.  Primal Rage                           Ok
  508.  Psychic World                         Ok
  509.  Putt and Putter                       Ok
  510.  Puzlow Kids                           Ok
  511.  RBI BaseBall '94                      Game Loads, but ball not visible  (NR)
  512.  Riddick Rowe Boxing                   HEAVY flickering
  513.  Ristar                                Ok
  514.  Road of the Magic Story 1 (J)         Ok
  515.  Road of the Magic Story 2 (J)         Ok
  516.  Road of the Magic Story 3 (J)         Ok
  517.  Road Rash                             Ok
  518.  Robocop 3                             Ok
  519.  Robocop vs. the Terminator            Ok
  520.  Ronald in the Magical World           Ok
  521.  Royal Stone (J)                       Ok
  522.  Ryu Kyu (J)                           Ok
  523.  Sailor Moon S (J)                     Ok
  524.  Samurai Spirits                       Ok
  525.  SD Gundam Winner's History (J)        Ok
  526.  Sega GamePack 4 in 1                  Ok
  527.  Shanghai 2 (J)                        Ok
  528.  Shikinjoh (J)                         Ok
  529.  Shining Force 2 : Sword of Haya       Ok
  530.  Shining Force 2 : Sword of Haya (J)   Ok
  531.  Shining Force 3 : Final Conflict (J)  Ok
  532.  Shinobi Part I                        Ok
  533.  Shinobi Part II                       Ok
  534.  Skweek                                Ok
  535.  Smash TV                              Ok
  536.  Sokoban World (J)                     Ok
  537.  Sonic & Tails 2                       Ok
  538.  Sonic : Triple Trouble                Ok
  539.  Sonic Chaos                           Ok
  540.  Sonic Drift                           Minor raster bug
  541.  Sonic Drift 2                         Playable, but with some graphic bugs
  542.  Sonic Labyrinth                       Ok
  543.  Sonic Spinball                        Very minor raster bug on introduction.
  544.  Sonic the Hedgehog                    Ok
  545.  Sonic the Hedgehog 2                  Ok
  546.  Space Harrier                         Flickering status (LCD persistance)
  547.  Spiderman Return of the Sinister Six  Ok
  548.  Spiderman X-Men Arcades Rev.          Ok
  549.  Sports Trivia : Championship Edition  Ok
  550.  Stargate                              Ok
  551.  Star Trek : The Next Generation       Bad screen position               (NR)
  552.  Star Wars                             Ok
  553.  Streets of Rage                       Ok
  554.  Streets of Rage 2                     Ok
  555.  Strider Returns                       Ok
  556.  Super Golf (J)                        Ok
  557.  Super Monaco GP                       Ok
  558.  Super Monaco GP 2                     Some flickering on title screen
  559.  Super Offroad                         Ok
  560.  Super Space Invaders                  Ok
  561.  Surf Ninjas                           Ok
  562.  Tail's Adventure                      Ok
  563.  Tale Spin                             Ok
  564.  Taisen Mahjong HaoPai (J)             Ok
  565.  Tama & Friends Tamalympics (J)        Ok
  566.  Taz in Escape from Mars               Ok
  567.  Taz Mania                             Ok
  568.  Terminator 2 - The Arcade Game        Palette problems
  569.  Terminator 2 - Judgment Day           Heavy flickering
  570.  Tesserae                              Ok                                (NR)
  571.  Tom & Jerry                           Ok
  572.  The Quiz of Gears (J)                 Ok
  573.  True Lies                             Ok
  574.  Ultimate Soccer                       Ok
  575.  Volleyball (J)                        Ok
  576.  Wagan Land (J)                        Ok
  577.  Wonderboy                             Ok
  578.  Woody Pop                             Ok
  579.  World Derby (J)                       Ok
  580.  X-Men                                 Ok
  581.  X-Men - Gamesmasters Legacy           Ok
  582.  Yaiba Adventures                      Ok
  583.  Yokaru Yotantori (J)                  Ok
  584.  Yuyu Hakusho 1 (J)                    Ok
  585.  Yuyu Hakusho 2 (J)                    Ok
  586.  Zool                                  Ok
  587. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  588.  Bad dumps:
  589.   - Chicago Syndrome                                                     (NR)
  590.   - Garfield                                                             (NR)
  591.   - Predator 2                                                           (NR)
  592.   - Sonic Blast                                                          (NR)
  593.   - Virtua Fighter Animations                                            
  594.   - World Series BaseBall                                                (NR)
  595.   - World Series BaseBall (alt)                                          (NR)
  596.   - World Series BaseBall 95                                             (NR)
  597. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  598.  (211 - 8) games tested - 182 are "Ok" - Compatibility rate: 89.65%
  599. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  601. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  602.            MEKA 0.13 - Colecovision Compatibility List - by ??????
  603. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  604.  Someone want to do it ? :)
  605. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------